Event Logo Image

Hot Pink! - $15,000

Two (2) premier tables for eight (8) guests each

Premium logo placement on advertisements and event emails

Premium placement of full-page advertisement in event program

Option to provide branded gifts for attendees Four (4) dedicated social media posts

Named as presenting partner in media distributions and recognized from podium at event


Roses - $10,000

Two (2) reserved tables for eight (8) guests each

Prominent logo placement on advertisements and event emails

Prominent placement of full-page advertisement in event program

Three (3) dedicated social media posts

Named as Rose partner in media distributions


Peonies - $5,000

One (1) reserved table for eight (8) guests each

Significant logo placement on advertisements and event emails

Significant placement of half-page advertisement in event program

One (1) dedicated social media post

Named as Peonies partner in media distributions


Carnations - $2,500

One (1) reserved table for eight (8) guests

Name listing in event program as Carnation partner

One (1) social media post


Celebration Supporters - $1,500**

Invitations: Two (2) reserved tickets to dinner and recognized as supporter on invitations

Centerpieces: Two (2) reserved tickets to dinner and recognized at tables as centerpieces partner

Photography: Two (2) reserved tickets to dinner and prominent logo placement on photos

Reception: Two (2) reserved tickets to dinner and recognition at cocktail reception

Valet: Two (2) reserved tickets to dinner and recognition at valet stand

Wine: Two (2) reserved tickets to dinner and recognized as wine partner at all tables

**All Celebration Supporters will be recognized in the event program and on social media.


Other Hot Pink! partner opportunities are available including program ads; email staff@linksforlife.org or call 661-322-5601.